The works that will be presented and published at conference will focus on, but are not limited to, the following topics:
- Electronics Engineering
Electrical machines and drives Signal processing
Multi-robot system
Electrical materials Electromagnetics
high voltage techniques microwave
Power electronics and applications antennas
Mechatronics Communication theory and systems
Control theory and applications Optoelectronics
Robotics and automation systems Biomedical electronics
Intelligent systems Sensors
Electronics instrumentation
Circuits and systems Manufacture and operation of electrical and electronic systems
CFD Noise and Vibration
Composite and Smart Materials Noise Control
Compressible Flows Non-destructive Evaluation
Computational Mechanics Nonlinear Dynamics
Computational Techniques Oil and Gas Exploration
Dynamics and Vibration Operations Management
Energy Engineering and Management PC guided design and manufacture
Engineering Materials Plasticity Mechanics
Fatigue and Fracture Pollution and Environmental Engineering
Fracture Quality assurance and environment protection
Fuels and Combustion Resistance and Propulsion
Instrumentation and Control Transport Phenomena
Internal Combustion Engines Tribology
Mechanical Engineering
Acoustics and Noise Control Marine System Design
Aerodynamics Material Engineering
Applied Mechanics Material Science and Processing
Automation, Mechatronics and Robotics Mechanical Design